Friday, December 2, 2011

I need 48 hours a day!

Tugas ekonomi, PR statistic, ulangan trigonometri, ulangan sosiologi, dan rentetan tugas, ulangan, dan PR lainnya siap menyerbu hari-hariku di SMA. Serius deh, orang-orang bilang masa-masa SMA adalah masa yang paling indah. Well, I guess its not for me! Aku ngerasa kalo aku kayak di penjara dan pengen cepet-cepet keluar dari sini! Guru-guru seperti polisi, dan sekolah itu sendiri penjaranya. Aku jadi tidak bisa memaksimalkan kegiatanku di luar sekolah. Kreatifitasku menurun drastis sejak bersekolah di sekolah ini. Kegiatanku sepulang sekolah hanyalah belajar, mengerjakan tugas lalu tidur. Bahkan malam minggu kupakai buat ngedate sama trigonometri. Aku bertanya tanya pada diriku, kalau begini caranya, masa-masa indah itu akan terlewatkan dengan sia-sia. Bukan berarti belajar menurutku adalah hal yang sia-sia. Belajar itu sungguh berguna sebagai bekal kita di masa depan! Tapi, masa hidupku cuma untuk belajar?

At one moment, i realize that what’s not in a book is a lot more precious. Maksudnya, yang dibutuhkan hidup ini bukan cuma kemampuan di akademik. Yang menilai diri kamu bukanlah berapa nilai ulangan fisikamu atau berapa nilai tugas businessmu. Aku selalu berfikir bahwa aku tidak memiliki waktu sebanyak itu untuk melakukan hal ini itu. Tapi aku tidak mau jika besar nanti aku menyesal tidak melakukan berbagai macam hal seperti teman-temanku lainnya. Aku berjanji akan mengorbankan waktuku untuk melakukan hal yang aku suka. Meskipun susah, aku akan terus berusaha. Hwaiting!

Friday, February 18, 2011


About 3 months ago, I was send my data, photo and proposal to KaWanku Magazine to join the peace maker competition. yeah, It's kinda competition. But, how shock was me when I get a call from KaWanku! I still remember that day! they said I'm chosen to be the finalist of Peace Maker! Damn, I was very happy!

The following week, I come to FX at F-Pod wearing a red shirt, jeans and sneakers. There are some girls already and, yeah, introduce myself. There are 12 finalists, including me, and we are totally Unbeatable Fun Girl! We were sharing, learning and focus on how to stop violence. or we can say bullying. I realize, bullying is absolutely uncool and it's getting serious. We learn how to share information, how to make an event, and how to speak well. actually, at the last part is quite hard. It's hard to speak well. we should confident, focus, and stand right. You might think it's easy, But the real it is not (for the beginner like me). 

Afternoon change to evening. Our last activity is the most important for that day. we should make a presentation about our program to decreasing the number of violence or bullying. I'm doing my best. :)

My program are about peer educator. students like me, share peace to their friends. but before, they are given a workshop about peace. I expect much for my program, cause usually, kids like me easily to listen to the friends than their parents or teacher. 
And here are the winners.. Aisha Rayyan, Bella Alvina, Nadia Andhiani, Jessica Krishela and Tiffany William. Do you see? There is my name! Yes, I won it! I can do my program and will be sponsored by Kawanku. 

I'm gonna tell you, this is not a "luck". yeah, there is a little factor of "luck", but most of them are God's Blessings that never end, my hard work, my dad and mom's support, and my dream to be a change maker. 

Follow your dreams and don't forget to believe God has a big purpose on you!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

The New Blogger

Hey ya! thanks for coming to my Blog. Actually, I'm new at this. So, welcome and enjoy. 

First of all, I would like to introduce myself. I bet you already know my name. :) I'm 15 and at 11 August I'm 16. I'm just a kid who loves my GOD, Jesus Christ; my FAMILY; my FRIENDS; and my LIFE. I'm just a girl who has dream to be a Change Maker. I want it so bad! wonder why? Me either. Haha. 

I love kids. That's why I'm a Sunday school teacher. By the way, I'm Indonesian. and I'm proud of it. Indonesia is a beautiful country. It has lots of lovely place and natural resources. But guess what, everything has changed. 

Here are some pictures of me!

It's after the decoration class at grade 9

At Soekarno Hatta international airport. trip to Bali with friends.

At my church after teaching Sunday school. I'm HAPPY!

Taken by my best friend, Elisya. after doing Biology project. (which is fail)
I guess that's all for the intro. thanks for reading and continue to my next post!